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evil ideas中文是什么意思

用"evil ideas"造句"evil ideas"怎么读"evil ideas" in a sentence


  • 歪念头


  • He is possessed by some evil idea
  • For one reason or another , shizuka ' s character inspires all sorts of cute and / or evil ideas
  • Actually , all good and evil ideas are already rooted in heart before being put into acction
  • Yes , that is a guy . what can i say , i ' m a sucker for evil ideas . my november a submission for the manga art exchange
    对?这是个男人。没办法?我最喜欢出歪主意了。 2004年十一月上旬同人画家交换作品展览图。
  • One with evil ideas will measure other ' s corn by one ' s own bushel / will measure another ' s foot by one ' s own last ; however , one with friendliness and tolerance gives joy to others
  • The turning point came after i read master s discourse called " maya is also the buddha " . when i drove on the road , and the same evil idea came to me , i suddenly reflected : " why don t i bless these people instead ?
  • Spiritual practice includes our speech , body and mind . for example , you ve developed your mind very well in your spiritual practice and cleansed it of evil ideas and impure thoughts . every day you only think about the living master , the noble teachings and the practicing assembly
  • We come to follow an enlightened master and learn from him . this means that we re prepared at heart to disentangle all the evil ideas , attachments and bondages to the world that we ve accumulated over many lifetimes . once these areas have been straightened out , the karmic burden from the past several lifetimes will be erased
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